
January 9, 2012

Creating a Seedbox in CentOS 6

So you've decided that you want a seedbox, but the companies selling seedboxes are too expensive. It's actually very easy to make a seedbox yourself and cut out the middleman. All you need is a dedicated server or VPS running CentOS 6 and you can have a seedbox up and running in under 20 minutes. I recommend OVH's Kimsufi 2G dedicated server which is a great value -- 1TB of hard drive space for under $20/month. There are plenty of hosting companies out there, so find the one that's right for you. Alternatively, if you have an old computer lying around and a good internet connection, you can set up a seedbox in your own house. Just install CentOS 6 on the computer and follow the rest of the instructions in this tutorial.

Once your host sends you your server's details, you need to connect to your server. In Windows, download PuTTY and fill in the appropriate details. In OS X or *nix systems, open up a terminal and type the following to connect:
$ ssh root@[your server's ip]
I wrote an installation script to automate the installation of Transmission 2.51. The script takes the following steps:
  • Update the system and install packages required by Transmission
  • Create a new user which will run transmission
  • Install a firewall (CSF) to ensure that the ports required by Transmission are open and unneeded ports are closed
  • Compile libevent from source, since the version in the CentOS repositories is not recent enough for Transmission
  • Update ldconfig and pkg-config configurations so that libevent libraries can be located
  • Compile Transmission 2.51 from source
  • Download and install an init script for the Transmission daemon
  • Edit Transmission configuration so that you can access it remotely using the username and password of your choosing

Now you can install a seedbox in just three commands. First, download the install script to your server:
# wget -O
Make the script executable and run it. Important: you must be using CentOS 6 and you must be root, otherwise this will not work. I am not responsible if this script damages your server. Use at your own risk.
# chmod u+x
# ./
Type in the username and password you desire, and then let the script run. It should take around 10-15 minutes if you are working from a base install since the script will install system updates and compile both Transmission and libevent (required to compile Transmission) from source. Be patient!

If everything went well, then you now have a functioning seedbox! If there was a problem, then do not hesitate to contact me. Here's how to use your seedbox.

Accessing the Transmission interface
  1. [Recommended] Use the remote GUI to access your seedbox. This client contains all of the features you would expect from a desktop client, while also running faster than the web interface. They have Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux versions. Download here. To set up the connection to your seedbox, put the server's IP under remote host, set the port to 9091 (default), and use the username and password you set when installing the seedbox.
    Transmission Remote GUI in Windows, screenshot from the project's wiki
  2. Alternatively you can use the web interface. It doesn't have as many features as the remote GUI, but you can access it from any computer, or even your smartphone! To access the web interface just go to this address in your browser:
    http://[Your server's IP]:9091
  3. From your (Android) phone I recommend using Transdroid, available from or by scanning the following QR code with your phone.

Test your new seedbox by downloading a torrent! Here's one:
You don't even need to download the torrent; copying the torrent's URL and pasting it into your Transmission interface is sufficient.

Downloading files from your seedbox
To download and manage files on your seedbox you can use Filezilla, an FTP/SFTP client. First, download and install Filezilla. Then go to the site manager and fill in a new connection according to the screenshot below, obviously substituting the username your chose earlier for 'username'. Hit connect and you will now see files from your computer on one side, and files from your seedbox on the other. Download/upload by dragging and dropping.
That's all there is to it! I would like to thank moltar for his tutorial at Parts of his tutorial were very helpful in writing my install script and these instructions. Please comment if you have any questions!

Update 05/12/12: Now updated to Transmission 2.51, added perl-Time-HiRes to allow the latest version of csf to install, updated libevent to 2.0.19, unblocked http and webmin on the firewall (TCP ports 80 and 10000), and added Transdroid as a method to access your seedbox.


  1. very good thanks.
    does this still allow tinkering on the vps without corrupting this install

    1. Yes of course. This script just installs and configures Transmission along with libevent and CSF. So as long as you keep Transmission's files in working order, you can tinker with your VPS however you like.

  2. This is the best way of setting up a seedbox. 3 lines of code. I shall spread the word.

  3. dear sir i installed the seedbox without any error on my vps but i also have webmin and php installed on my vps.. after some time half an hour transmission is working but my site is not working i can not log in to webmin or my site they gave connection timeout error but transmission is working fine..

    any suggestion what might be the problem is ?

    1. The shell script provided is a great (The best on the web IMO), but a bit presumptuous..

      # Install the firewall (CSF)
      cd /usr/local/src
      tar xzf csf.tgz
      cd csf
      cd /etc/csf
      sed -i 's/^TESTING =.*/TESTING = "0"/' csf.conf
      sed -i 's/^TCP_IN =.*/TCP_IN = "22,80,9091,10000,51413"/' csf.conf
      sed -i 's/^TCP_OUT =.*/TCP_OUT = "1:65535"/' csf.conf
      sed -i 's/^UDP_IN =.*/UDP_IN = "51413"/' csf.conf
      sed -i 's/^UDP_OUT =.*/UDP_OUT = "1:65535"/' csf.conf
      service csf restart

      Port 80 appears to be open after the script has been run, so your site should load fine, Webmin runs on port 10000, which also appears to be open. Have your tried restarting the services?

      Either way, great script, but a bit hasty with the build in firewall config...

  4. i figured it out my self the firewall was causing the prob... remove it from the script.. and fixed...

    1. Hey man, how did you do this? I'm having the same problem. Thanks

    2. There's actually an easy fix without completely removing the firewall (you really should have a firewall for security reasons). You'll need to edit the configuration file for CSF and then restart it. Here's how:

      # nano /etc/csf/csf.conf

      Then scroll down a bit until you see the TCP_IN line. The ports used for webmin and your website need to be unblocked. Add 80 and 10000 to the list of ports there to allow inbound traffic on those ports. Save and exit. Then restart the firewall:

      # service csf restart

      If you really just don't want a firewall (highly not recommended), you can uninstall CSF like this:

      # service csf stop
      # /usr/local/src/csf/

  5. ./ line 63: chkconfig: command not found
    ./ line 64: chkconfig: command not found
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 10: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 13: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 10: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 13: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory
    ./ line 70: cd: /home/cofin/.config/transmission: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 10: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
    /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 13: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory

    Anyone know why i'm getting this ?

    1. chkconfig comes standard with CentOS. The fact that chkconfig is not on your system tells me that you might not be using CentOS. Check this using this command "cat /etc/redhat-release". If you're running CentOS, it'll tell you what version you have installed. If not, then it will tell you that the file does not exist.

  6. i had this error

    --2012-06-06 23:59:32-- (try: 4)
    Connecting to||:443... failed: Connection timed out.

    1. It looks like you got unlucky and ran the script when github was down, so it was unable to download libevent. Github is up now, so just rerun the script.

      Either that or the firewall didn't install correctly so port 443 outbound is not unblocked.

    2. WoW,,i didnt expect you to reply this quick. Say if i cannot install transmission, is there a guide for utorrent? = P

      thank in advance

  7. I tried it again but still got the connection timeout error T_T

    anyway to make this thing work?

    Im a newbie, could be be the firewall on my vps?

    1. If it didn't work again, then yeah, that's definitely the firewall. Are you sure it installed correctly? If it did then you should be able to download the file unless your VPS provider has an additional firewall. What's the output of "cat /etc/csf/csf.conf | grep TCP_OUT"?

  8. It is:

    TCP_OUT = "1:65535"

    With regard to the installation, I saw the word said Completed and then the green letter "OK" appears.

    Now im just stuck on

    Connecting to||:443... failed: Connection timed out.

    It is my 50 tries already haha

    1. Weird. Must be something from your VPS provider then. You can sidestep that issue like this:

      (1) download libevent ( to your computer,
      (2) open filezilla and put the .tar.gz file in /usr/local/src on your server, and
      (3) delete the "wget https://github..." line from the script.

  9. So, i've put the libevent-2.0.19-stable.tar.gz file on the directory as you mentioned and after i have to open the log and delete all the error line correct? after that what do i do?

    1. No, you open and delete the line telling it to download libevent, "wget". Then run the script again.

  10. Sorry OP this is my first time trying to install transmission so I might ask you alot of Q.

    How can i find directory

    and to re-run the script i just paste this command? ./ ?

    1. is a file. Edit it like so: "nano". Then you can just rerun the script with "./".

  11. Hey i managed to get thru that connection error.

    Now facing another one

    Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.


  12. ill probably retry the same method like the previous one..ill let u know

    1. That should work, but it looks like the firewall's gone screwy if it's not allowing port 80. Next time you run it, do it like this "./install-transmission > log.txt". That will create a log file which you can then put on pastie. Also put /etc/csf/csf.conf on pastie. I should be able to work out exactly what's going wrong from there.

  13. OK now im upto this part

    ./ line 67: cd: /home/notewar/.config/transmission: No such file or directory

    the config file is misssing i believe

    1. Did the transmission daemon start and stop successfully? Do you have a copy of output previous to the error?

  14. Okay, I can't connect to the remote host in Transmission Remote GUI, nor the web interface, I inserted the correct IP address too

    1. Sounds like either transmission's port (9091) is blocked or that the daemon isn't running in the first place.

      Make sure the daemon is running with "service transmissiond restart". You should also have CSF (firewall) installed, which should have port 9091 unblocked. Verify this by looking at the allowed ports with "cat /etc/csf/csf.conf | grep TCP_IN" and restarting the firewall with "service csf restart".

    2. It worked! It wasn't started. Thank you!

    3. Nevermind, now there's a error: Connection Failed!

      I connected to the page and logged in successfully but GUI says Connection Refused and same with web interface

    4. So is this similar to sprite's error then? You start Transmission but then it stops working after not too long. Do you have any other details about the problem? Does it work again after you do "service transmissiond restart"?

    5. No, it never worked, I just assumed it worked, but it didn't.

      When I did service transmissiond restart:

      Shutting down transmission-daemon: [FAILED]
      Starting transmission-daemon: [ OK ]

      Yeah, same as sprite's error

  15. Thank you for the tutorial.
    I installed the seedbox on my VPS (CentOS 6 32bit) without any error but it doesn't work corretly. I can connect to the seedbox with remote GUI but the Transmission is stop working within a short time and i get disconnected.
    I can start it manually again (service transmissiond start) and i can connect again but the transmission service is stop working usually within a minute.

    any suggestion? (sry for my bad english)

    1. Very strange. I'd only previously tested on 64-bit CentOS 6, so I went ahead and tested on a 32-bit installation of CentOS 6. Transmission has been running for a while on it and I have not encountered the error you're getting. When you manually start transmission, is it already stopped or do you need to stop it and then start? That is, is the daemon still running when you encounter your error?

    2. thanks for your reply. when i manually start transmission is it already stopped.

  16. I am also getting the same error as sprite

  17. Its the same thing it automatically gets stopped aftr a few secs

  18. Starting transmission-daemon: [FALLITO]
    Shutting down transmission-daemon: [FALLITO]

    any idea?

    1. Try starting the daemon manually and see what happens:

      # su [username]
      $ /usr/bin/transmission-daemon -g /home/[username]/.config/transmission

  19. same proble here, sprite here you have rented VPS?

  20. Worked! Thanks man. If you have some problems (like i was), it was the first part "ssh root@[your server's ip]" - I kept doing that wrong. But i've done it now, and just want to say thanks again :D

  21. iwhy i keep get this error whenever i try to connect to my seedbox ip address: "connection refuse"
    the instalation is succesfull, but i can't log into my seedbox. please advice

    1. Does your SSH daemon run on port 22 or a nonstandard port? If it runs on a nonstandard port then the firewall might have blocked it.

  22. add ftp and this will be even better thanks
    i have the box working perfect but i have no clue for the FTP side of it

  23. Found This Code to set up FTP on server and works perfect just follow the steps in order

    1) yum install vsftpd
    2) /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
    3) useradd username
    4) passwd username

    1. I always recommend using SFTP over FTP since it's another layer of security and you don't need to run an FTP server, but those steps should get an FTP server up and running if that's your preference. You should skip steps 3 and 4 and just use the username you chose previously for Transmission. Also, you'll want to make the FTP server start automatically in case your server is ever restarted:

      # chkconfig --add vsftpd
      # chkconfig --level 345 vsftpd on

  24. would be nice if it worked...

    You have to install:
    * php-pear
    * php-devel
    * gcc
    * make

    in order to have it working if not installed on the server you bought if not using cloud as i wanted until i gave up

  25. ??

    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    ./ line 70: cd: /home/torrent1/.config/transmission: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)

    1. Looks like transmission didn't install correctly for some reason. What are the errors before that one? You can create a log file when running the install script like this: "./ | tee log.txt".

  26. Replies
    1. touch: cannot touch `/var/lock/subsys/transmission-daemon': Permission denied
      /etc/init.d/transmissiond: line 50: /var/run/ Permission denied

    2. As root, run 'passwd [username]'. Then stop the transmission daemon (service transmissiond stop), edit /home/[username]/.config/transmission/settings.json and change the value of rpc-password to your password, and start the transmission daemon again (service transmissiond start).

  27. will this work on Centos 5

  28. i tried this install and now my websites are offline im on centos with cpanel ports 80 and 10000 are open i can get to the Cpanel/WHM but no live pages

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. i manage to install the seedbox using this script but since my isp is capped ftp speed, may i know the easiest way (im really2 noob about linux)to enable the http download and secured it with password...

    1. Is SFTP also throttled? If not, then you should just use that as described above. If not, I can write out a way to make an HTTP download page with an IP whitelist.

    2. yes.. thank you for the fast reply..sftp also throttled.. i only manage to get half of my connection speed..

    3. 1) Install a webserver, "yum install httpd".

      2) Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following to it in the Aliases section:

      3) Change the permissions of your home directory, "chmod -R 755 /home/[username]/" and "chcon -R --reference=/var/www/html/ /home/[username]/".

      4) Configure the web server to start whenever your server reboots, "chkconfig --add httpd" and "chkconfig --level 345 httpd on".

      5) Start the web server, "service httpd start".

    4. So once you do that, just go to http://[your IP]/torrents and you can download everything, but it's only accessible from the IP address you specified in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

    5. only manage to try it yesterday.. and it works like charm.. thanks again sir!...

  31. i have installed transmission successfully and i verified that it was running. but i cant access it through :9091 and remote gui. both says " Connection Refused" . help me !!

  32. This works really really well.... from my win 7 pc.... to my server... but when I boot the same pc into ubuntu 12.04, the connection attempt just times out.... wtf??
    Does the version of trans rem gui have to match??
    firewall is completely disabled... FTP works fine to server, just no seedbox at all...

    1. If the remote gui is the latest version, then it should work with any older version of Transmission. Try connecting via your browser and see what happens.

  33. hello thanks works really well i just wanted to know can i cam make more than one user i mean i want to create more useers

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Could you please do the same tutorial for Raspbian “wheezy” (raspberry pi) ??

  36. i got this error

    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    ./ line 70: cd: /home/admin/.config/transmission: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    root@seed [~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
    CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
    root@seed [~]#

    as you can see i ran the line you said above and i am on centos which i already knew... any advice?

    1. It looks like Transmission didn't install correctly for whatever reason. If you run "./ | tee log.txt" it'll create a log of the install output. Without seeing the preceding output, I can't tell you why Transmission didn't install.

  37. I have a dedicate server with 1TB HDD and up to 3MB fiber line with static IP, it run CenOS 6 and your Tranmission Seedbox with no errors (thank you for this). My problem is our team have 6 persons and I want to assign each person with private account on seedbox. How can I do this, man?

  38. how do i change username/password for transmission ?

    1. For transmission, you must edit /home/[your username]/.config/transmission/settings.json and change the value of rpc-password. Then you can change your password for sftp by typing "passwd [your username]" at the command line. Changing username is more involved (i.e., you'll just create and configure a new user). Let me know if you still need to do that.

  39. so i have my seedbox up and running, which btw thank you for the easy installation. I tweaked the installation a bit my adding some extra security via this site , I have everything working except the SFTP connection. When i try to connect I get that the connection was refused. Any help would be great.

    1. From that article it looks like you changed the port SSH runs on and added key-based authentication (these are great for security purposes, I do both myself). In Filezilla, you'll have to change the port to whatever you picked and add your private key in the SFTP section of settings.

  40. I see a lot of people are requesting multiple users. I've done this myself but haven't written an automated script to do so. As I'm very busy at the moment, I won't be able to write one for 2-3 weeks.

  41. hey man could u please kindly update the script to install latest transmission to 2.73 it is allowed on all private trackers.. recently some private trackers like hd-t has banned Transmission 2.51 (13280)

    1. This is another thing I'll be able to get to in 2-3 weeks when I have more free time. You *should* be able to get away with changing all instances of transmission-2.51 to transmission-2.73 in the install script, but I haven't tested this.

  42. I have a Centos server with transmission seedbox (thanks transmissionseedbox)but it get banned by some private tracker because it running version 2.51. I just did this thing to upgrade Transmission to 2.7.3:

    Open PuTTy, login as root, then run following commands:

    cd /usr/local/src
    tar xjf transmission-2.73.tar.bz2
    cd transmission-2.73

    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make -s
    make -s install

  43. Thanks yeah looking goood, nice share mate....

  44. hey man can't install transmission 2.75 please help ..

  45. working fine.but can you tell me how to add download option on :9091 webpage?

    1. Use FPT program like filezilla with your seedbox username and password then you can download things you are seeding.

  46. Hey, how can add multiple users to this without stopping the transmission-daemon or anything on any of them? You can email

  47. I would also like to add if you need a place to host a real website I have webspace avaliable for free.... Again email

  48. really great install this mate, lol we all just NEED the multi-user environment badly, with quotas if at all possible...... thanks again for a faultless script so far mate

  49. Hello
    The installation stack:
    10 tries:
    Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out
    Please tell me what to do ?
    Thank you

    1. Just fix it like the solution you gave to later answers.
      Thanks for the great script

  50. We need more like you in this world...

  51. Does anyone have any scripts or a way that torrent files can be created when you are running a headless server ? I am dead against using the cli as I run well in excess of 4000 torrents and frankly, the cli stinks...... I need to be able to create the torrent file and then save it ON MY HOME pc so that I can then upload the file to my tracker, AFTER THAT i simply add the new file to the server and all done.....
    but I need to get this to work via ssh or the web for torrent create ?

    any ideas or input or maybe someone has something similar?

    1. Let ask Google with keyword: "How to create a torrent?".

  52. To transmissionsedbox. I (Oh sorry: I mean We)want a multiples user system on our seedbox. Can you help?

  53. Let ask Google with keyword: "How to create a torrent?".

    MR dung... thats a dung comment.... poop comment... dont get clever, get helpful.... YOU google anyone of the 324 sites that I have already visited and see if you fund something... if you do not understand what someone is saying, keep quiet..... read my post and again try a new , constructive answer mate

    1. You should read this:

      But I think there are noway to do for solved your problem.

  54. Thank you very very much THAT was great input.... lol if only someone could modify the webui or the GTKui to accomodate torrent creation like in ruTorrent Transmission would be THE best around..... Your post helped me with existing torrents, however I still have the problem of creating new torrents when adding fresh content via FTP lol.... any ideas there? HEHE I recently added a batch of 938 files to my box and it was NOT funny doing the torrent files, believe me......

  55. i got
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    ./ line 70: cd: /home/nick/.config/transmission: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read settings.json: No such file or directory
    which: no transmission-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
    any ideas?

  56. Great but how can i add more users?

  57. im getting the same error as nick -

    running it on centos 6.4 - anyone know whats up with this?

  58. hey i don't know what happened but after using this script my website hosted on VPS is down now i can't access it no matter what i have restarted VPS also but it's same ... Please help me .. :(

  59. So Awesome ! thank's 4 sharing,... :)

  60. Merci pour ce tuto bien détaillé et bien écrit

  61. how can i uninstall this? want to move it to a new HD i put on my server? please help! :) thanks

  62. Wow so easy to install... I didn't really noticed that it installed csf but that's my fault I didn't read carefully enough.

    Thank you very much for your time and congratulations for the script, it's 10/10

  63. Thanks a lot keep up the good work

  64. Just tested this out on a SecuredSpeed VPS and it works great! Thanks for the guide.

  65. This installed perfectly, thank you for this great tutorial!

  66. is this method still working for the latest transmission?

  67. can we update latest version of transmission only inside the script? will it work?


  68. Hi .. i have it it up and running on my server but it stays stuck on 0% .. the torrents don't get downloaded .. what should i do?
    it doesn't get connected to peers


    after reboot on centos 7 it stops working.

  70. Hello your blog is sharing great information. amazingseedbox providing best Seedbox solutions in Netherlands.Thanks for share this blog.

  71. This is great revealing content. Thank you I really appreciate the unique articles you write. amazingseedbox provide this Shared seedbox

  72. never know there is remote gui for transmission, I am usually using web UI

  73. Thank you so much for sharing This post. It's gretful blog I have really enjoyed keeping up with you on this blog.
    Amazing seedbox is a large server, with lots of memory and CPU that is used by a little number of users who frequently don’t know each other.
    visit for more information..Dedicated seedbox

  74. Hello, Please tell me how can i make this running on my server in this way - "ip/downloads" to directly download my files from seedbox

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Made it work after adding

    -A INPUT -i 1 -p tcp --dport 9091 -j ACCEPT

    to /etc/sysconfig/iptables

    with sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/iptables

    As answer to the connection refused problem it gives when follow the above tutorial as is
